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Artistic Storytelling

Acrylics. Oils. Pastels. Watercolor. Ink. Charcoal. Collage.
Canvas. Wood. Paper. Metal. Glass.
Wire. Fabric. Nails.


click here to inquire about available work or commission a piece of art


Creating art to translate emotion and experience has become the primary way I process my life and the world around me. Often times, a piece of art or a body of work represents a distinct moment, feeling or season of my life.


Freedom. Equality. Justice. Love. Pride. Truth. Respect. Integrity. Power. Faith. Greed. Unity.

Rights. Independence. Liberty. Democracy. Honor. Capitalism. 


This ongoing body of work is directly influenced by the evolution of America. My perception of the shifting dynamics of our country's culture, government, political landscape, global position, empathy and apathy drive this series. 


The Palm Beach Inspired series is about the simplest of life's pleasures. It's about mentally transporting you to your best beach day. To feel the sun on your skin. To smell the salt in the air. To hear the crashing waves.
To see the ebbs and flows of the tides. To take a deep breath and smile.


Sacrifice. Death. Life. Grace. Surrender. Sin. Freedom. Forgiveness. Mercy. Hope. Love. Salvation.


Of all of the religious symbols, signs and icons, the cross is one of, if not the most significant in history. Crosses are integrated into a lot of my work (some more visible than others) however in this series, the cross is not only visible, it is typically the focal point of the piece. I often use materials (such as wood, nails and wire) specific painting techniques and color to articulate a range of emotions that for me, align to the cross.  


Birds are the focus of numerous proverbs, parables, idioms, metaphors and analogies. From the sparrow to the albatross, bird's are used as significant symbols to "make a point". The Bird Series is a fun way to play on my interpretation of this.


The Hymn Series is my most personal body of work.
It merges music and faith, both of which influence my life, and subsequently, my art.
This series was born from a stack of old hymnals I got from the church where my great-grandparents were members.
My mother's father played the organ and sang in the choir there. My mother was baptized there.
It's the church where my parents were married. 
Some of my earliest memories of lifting my voice to the Lord are in the sanctuary of that church.
I vividly recall watching my great-grandmother gently thumb through the pages of the hymnal to get to the right song, and holding it open for me to sing alongside her.
Every time I open one of those hymnals and rip out a page to work into a piece of art,
I smile knowing that it's probably a page she touched.

Contact me with inquiries regarding the availability of my work or commissioning a piece of art.


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